Water damage can be devastating on hardwood floors. Especially so when that hardwood floor is a full gymnasium!
We were contacted by a school in Warrenville Illinois that was faced with that exact situation and was fearful over what a complete gymnasium floor replacement could cost.
Hardwood Floor Masters had a better idea…repair and replace only the effected sections of the maple wood sports floor that were damaged. This would require a significantly smaller budget, and shorter down-time for gymnasium use.
Our team systematically removed only the portions of the floor that were damaged to optimally expose the metal rail system that is found under sports wood floors. We then expertly laced/weaved exactly sized patches into gaps of the existing hardwood floor to seamlessly fill in the damaged areas.
The entire gymnasium floor was then sanded and stained to give it the seamless look of a new floor installation.
Our skilled team then re-striped the basketball floor markings to match original configuration.
A final coat of gymnasium floor finish oil based polyurethane protected the newly refinished floor and gave it the beautify luster of a newly refinished hardwood floor.
Unless you knew exactly where to look and what to look for, you would never know the maple hardwood sports floor had ever been damaged and repaired. Projects like this make the team at Hardwood Floor Masters proud of what we can do for our communities.