Hardwood Floor Services
Since 1982 we’ve helped our clients with every type of hardwood floor challenge you can imagine: from simple hardwood floor installations; to more complex floor repairs, floor sanding, refinishing and restoration of damaged hardwood floors.
We pride ourselves on providing prompt, professional hardwood floor services for residential and commercial business customers.
Our Hardwood Floor Services include:
Our Additional Hardwood Floor Services:
We take pride in our hardwood floor installation, refinishing, repair and restoration services:
- Installation of solid 3/4” unfinished and prefinished hardwood flooring.
We have many species to choose from including red oak, white oak, maple, teakwood, american and brazialian cherry. - We also install engineered, parquet,and laminate flooring, in floating or glue down systems.
- Refinishing includes repairing, sanding, staining, and recoating with your choice of water base or oil base polyurethane
- Installation of oak stair treads and risers; base and shoe moldings; chair rails; and custom wood vents
- Installation and repair to water damaged sub floors and underlayments.
- Old ceramic tile and carpet removal
- We can work on either new construction or remodeling projects.
- All new flooring is always installed and finished to match your existing flooring!
We have floor maintenance programs available for both residential and commercial wood flooring which can potentially save you a lot of time and money. Regular re-coating of your floors can help you to avoid the sanding and stripping process required for heavily worn wood floors. The re-coating process usually takes just one day, instead of going thru the whole sanding process. We have the experience to handle any wood flooring job.
For commercial businesses we can do the recoat/restore/repair process after hours, so your up and running the next day with no down time. There are many area restaurants, shopping malls and taverns have had us restore their floors at night with no interruption to their regular business.